Monday, June 20, 2011

AP Human Geography questions?

1)how many languages have been in theuse since humans began to speak?
2)each language family was deprived from what?
3)name the 8 indo european language families?
4)what is a dialect?
5)name the four germanic languages?
6)name the 5 latin romance languages?
7) latin grew out of what socio-political-cultural antion state?
8)name the nine balto-slavic languages?
9) name the 4 celtin languages?
10)what other areas of the world share the indo-european language families?
11)approximately what % of the world uses ndo-european language family?
12.what areas of what continents of the world use indo-european language families?
13)name the 4 sino-tibetan languages?
14)name the 6 countries that use the sino tibetan languages?
15)the sino tibetan language is characterized by how many syllable words?
16)name the 4 afro asian languages?
17)name 8 major countries that use the afro asian language
18)what region of the world use uralic and altaic languages?
19)name the 4 uralic and altaic languages
20)what regions of the world use uralic and altaic languages?
21)the japanese and koreans use there own form of language:true or false?
22)where are the dravidian languages spoken?
23)where are the malayo-polynesian languages spoken?
24)where is the mon-khmer language spoken?
25)how many languages are spoken inafrica south of sahara or black africa?
26)what is the largest language group in africa?name the 2major groups?
27)how many native american or american indian languages acre spoken?
28)the map reflects 5 centuries of what?
29)give some reasons why indo-european languages are sppread throughout the world?
30)what does the word common tongue represent?

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