Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Confederate History Month! (Long article, not for the faint-hearted)?

Isn’t it about time people find out what “Confederate History” actually means?

I’ll save you the trouble:

1) The South was no more racist than the North in the war. Slavery existed in the North and in the South. We were taught in school that there were “slave states” and “free states”, but that is nothing but a lie. Generals Grant and Sherman were slave owners in the North. Grant refused to release his slaves until he was legally forced to, saying that “good help is so hard to come by these days”.

2) Northern slaves endured much more horrific and life-threatening work conditions than Southern slaves. Northern slaves worked for less money than they owed to the factories in which they worked, trapping them in economic slavery, where the slaves are forced to house and feed themselves. At least slave owners in the South looked after the physical well-being of their slaves as they were considered expensive property. In the North, workers lives were expendable.

3) The Southern army was a desegregated force. Surprise surprise. They Southern army had blacks serving side-by-side with whites since day one, even at First Mananas. The Union only allowed blacks to serve MANY YEARS after the war started, and they were only allowed to be SERVANTS and PORTERS. It took an entire year for the Union army to allow the blacks to wield rifles into battle, and ancient (1st Revolution era) weapons at that. The Union black soldier was equipped with inferior weaponry and paid less than the Confederate black or indian soldier, who got EQUAL PAY.

4) While in office, Lincoln never gave a rat’s ass about the slaves. He said in his campaign that he would allow slavery to continue if the Southern states did not secede. They seceded anyway. Then, the ONLY TIME that slavery was an issue during the war was THREE YEARS into the war. The Emancipation Proclamation freed NOBODY as it was a dictation to states NO LONGER IN THE UNION. It was written to provide a moral issue so that the war could CONTINUE and the northern military industrial complex could continue making money.

5) As high as 95% of Southerners did not own slaves…so, what were they fighting for? One speech is cited by many hateful people, the speech by the Vice President of the CSA which stated that slavery was a “cornerstone” of the South. That was merely pandering to the crowd, THE RICH SUPPORTERS OF THE VP. 95% of Southerners, the common people who died for their country, had no affiliation with slavery and, thus…had to have been fighting for SOMETHING ELSE, the same thing we have been talking about for a very long time, and the argument that is rising again, STATES RIGHTS. The Fed was becoming more and more powerful and oppressive. The division in the country was not “slave” and “free” states, it was Northern and Southern states. Look at the election map! The country is cut in half, according to the regional allegiance. The country was formed out of two different countries, and secession was the ONLY way to ensure the South got representation, as the North was using force to make the South obey instead of allowing the South equal representation. A key event that confirms this is the South Carolina nullification crisis of 1832. See the link for further details. The states were protesting for states rights LONG before the war, which happened because all avenues of reconciliation were spent.

6) Many years earlier, slavery was ended in England. Exactly 0 people died, 0 people were injured, 0 lives were destroyed, 0 homes burned, and 0 cities pillaged and plundered. The cost of the legislation was a fraction a fraction of the cost of the War of Northern Aggression and Reconstruction combined.


7) Secession is not treason. It is legal as the States are not barred that power specifically in the Constitution, a power clarified by the 10th Amendment and declared in the Declaration of Independence: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
8) Defense of your country is not treason. Once the Southern states seceded, they were their own country. The Southern people defended their country very bravely to the last man against an overpowering enemy. That, my friends, is called patriotism, dare I say heroism.

In the end, YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF THIS, what would cause the Southern people to stand and fight like they did. The South had a smaller army, a puny navy, poorer weaponry
@ Andy: and what exactly do you know about this? It is not humanly possible to read that in 2 minutes. If there is a falsehood either you point it out and substantiate that claim, or you are just another troll.
Ok, andy, sorry for my outburst. About (3), I will say this for any region as black soldiers were commonplace in the Army as early as First Manassas, one of my sources discusses that.

In addition, Confederate Brigadier General Edward L. Thomas should be quoted for his successful efforts to pressure the Congress to enact legislation enabling blacks to enlist in his Georgian army. They, as cited above, were enlisted anyway by the Generals who had free reign in that respect.

I do not deny that some slaves entered battle with their masters, but many tens of thousands were free men:


“The Official History of Laurens County, Georgia, 1807-1941 by Betha Sheppart Hart, reports that: “No man has ever exhibited a finer loyalty nor a greater capacity for friendship than Bill Yopp, a negro man born and raised in Laurens County, belonging to Thomas McCall Yopp. When his master left to join the Army in Virginia, in the early months of the Confederate War, Bill went with him. He went through the War at his master’s side. When freedom came, poverty overtook Captain Thomas Yopp, and Bill went out into the world on his own responsibility. A varied career led him here and there over the United States….In time Captain Yopp, an old man, went to live at the Soldiers Home in Atlanta; here Bill found him and devoted the remainder of his life to his former master.”
Yahoo Answers, screw you too. negr0 is not a curse words, it was, in the 1960′s, the formal term for a black man (“black” was less acceptable) and it is the Spanish word for black.

I’d hate to see the Spanish section, every time the color black is mentioned, it will be censored.

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