Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Double checking. Help?

I recently “failed” a test.
I merely accepted I did bad and continued working to try to make up for it.
However looking back at the test now that I’m studying for exams, I’m noticing that I should have got some questions right!

The quick was marked electronically. We just filled in a multiple choice sheet and it was fed into a system that marks how you do. I think my teacher may have put the wrong sheet in (There were four sections of the test, therefore, 4 sheets”

Can you double check I got these right before I take this up with my teacher?

1) Q: Net migration is:
A: immigration rate – emigration rate

2) Q: If the natural increase rate is 6 and the net migration rate is 5 what is the population growth rate
A: 11/1000

3) Q: Demographers identify three important stages in each persons life. They are..
A: Children, Working adult, Older Adult

4) Q: Indian act 1876
A: Stated treaties negotiated must respect land ownership rights of natives and give natives fair payment for land

5) (Correct. Possibly fluke if marked wrong)

6) Q: Population can be described as ______ meaning few people living over a large area (low population density)
A: Sparse

7) Q: Factors affecting land use patterns in a city would be:
A: Lnd values, Zoning, and technology.
8) Q: Vacant land is land that is used:
A: Unused and awaiting a new use

9) Q: By studying a vertical aerial photograph it is possible to draw a land use map
A: True

10) Q: Studying Canadas population and settlement patterns is useful because:
A: You can discover how Canadas population is changing and what these changes mean for Canadians

I’ll only do that one section but If I got any correct, then I’ll know she messed up and marked it wrong in which case I’ll hand the whole test back to her.

I’ll probably have gotten some wrong, but if any of my answers were correct (which I’m almost 100% certain a ton of them are) TELL ME.

MUCH thanks.


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