Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why have the Christians been so passionate, about destroying cultural histories?

For example, in Europe, alone, Christians destroyed great stockpiles, of maps, and navigational aids, which seafarers had used, in all seven oceans, for generations.

When Christian invaders found the advancement, of the South American cities, of the indian tribes, and found temples, where priests had spent generations charting the heavens, and planetary positions, the Christians burned as much as they could, to prevent the world from, possibly, knowing that others had crossed the oceans, or pondered the skies, centuries before Christ was born

We may never know what the true use, of Stonehenge, or Easter island, were, since the Christians went to these places, and others, tortured the local populations into accepting Christ, while destroying all evidence, of trade, which preceeded the invasion.

Is it, indeed, the Christians, who may have even destroyed evidence, for the existance of Atlantis?

Why has Christianity, even as it is, today, either torturing, or starving out, anyone who does not agree with Christianities goals?

Why have missionaries been so determined to desecrate sacred land, by intentionally, building “missions” on lands previously held for worship?

What are the Christians so afraid of?

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