Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Aliens on every timeline?

people who completely disagree to that there might be an alien life on this planets are dumb enough to have that kind of thought and DON’t answer this question if your one of them.

To anyone who doesn’t believe the ancient astronaut theory pls don’t answer this question.

UFOs and Aliens
For some reason the Pyramid of Giza has a very precise angle on the world, if you look to the world map it complete center to the middle of the earth. the giza also point to the sirius constellation and orion. The 3 pyramid also show the structure size interpretation of orion.


Ancient Egypt also show a bird LIKE airplane model, the precolombian has also a very similar model (note the precolombian model was recreated with a much more big design and it actually FLIES, there are some youtube video links on the net SEARCH them!!)


There is obviously some weird alien sightings on ancient time even on the Bible but the weird thing is that THERE is an UFO evidence or leftover BUT the ancient airplane has a similarity to our modern one, Do you think it really is an alien technology or a TIME TRAVELER from the future which would actually explain on how the ancient people created the precise and centered pyramid on the earth because they have help to an alien or to our future ancestor and how come there are similarities on the mayan pyramid.

The Mahabharata is one of the weird sighting on the world not only its deserted and abandoned the bones of the people for some reason are preserved and they also show some high levels of radiation now I know some people will say so what, well on ancient indian scrolls there is a story saying that 3 big cities on the sky have a fight on flying chariots and stuff (hey what the f!ck thats not even alien its just a myth a f!king made up story OR its a misunderstand hi-technology THAT also involved an ancient nuclear bomb?)

The question again is that IS it really an alien or another future time traveler or is just a f!king made up story!!!!!.

The Bermuda triangle one of the weirdest things of this crazy world actually for some reason is actually on the same position of the Pyramid of Giza it actually connects (WHAT! its a coincidence), now they say airplane and ship dissapear even in World War II on which we’re starting to have a modern technology. In 1960s or something, some guy actually survive the bermuda he says that the sky creates a spiral like tornado and that the airplane started to malfuntion.

I know some of you would say “You watched too much Stargate shows” (hey i didn’t even watch that show except for the 1994 movie and I’m 3 when the Stargate show started). Do you think it a wormhole, a hyperspace bypass or just a typical who cares thing?

On September 1939 World War 2 started and for some reasons there are numerous UFO sighting all over the world and for some reason the Nazi has a very high technology that so advance our world accelerate 2 centuries. Some say hitler got steal the airplane ideas from India on an old ancient blueprints.

Do you think Nazi just had does ideas and created it OR they actually get it from ancient aliens or something?

After World War II UFO sightings increase tremendously that people say alien will conquer our world, Today each year there are UFO sightings and some alien abduction thing and our world but why do I think there are not really aliens? On 1957 Antonio Villas Boas was abducted and he also have sex to the hot alien (Its what he said).


Did any of you thought that how when our world is now starting to develop high technology on which everything is starting to be portable thats alien mysteriously look at our 20th and 21st century. And for some reason they started abducting or are THEY?, what if the alien are actually time traveler from the future people who said encounter alien that they are humanoid form. Could it be that there trying to find Megan Fox? What if our future is on deserted or there having a homework assignment from the future to look to the past and what the technology look like from the past before it become so great.

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