Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I have a question regarding Palestine and the Middle East!?

Lately i have been observing many events in the Middle East, Central, and South Asia regarding Muslims! I have looked into both historical events and events that took place recently and events that are still taking place! I have noticed the amount of Nationalism in Arabs and i have a question:

If Israel was to be wiped off of the map of the word and if Arabs got Palestine returned to them, will there peace in the Middle East? Will the Arab countries come out of the mess they placed themselves in?

Why am i asking this question? What are my reasons for asking?

1. During the first World War Arab tribes betrayed the Ottoman Caliphate (the last stronghold of Islam at the time) and joined the Zionist agent Lawrence of Arabia and helped him break off the Hijaz from the rest of the empire (we should keep in mind that this betrayel resulted in the creation of the Jewish State of Israel)!

2. I’ve noticed a lot of Nationalism in Arab’s and Arab countries! My friends at school had a dispute with eachother regarding their Nationalities and which one was better than other! One of them was Egyptian and the other was Palestinian, they were arguing over the silliest things lol!

3. One of the things i’m very dissappointed over is how Arabs treat non-Arabs! If you go to Dubai, UAE and Saudi Arabia you’ll see how they treat and make racist remarks about Persians, Pakistanis, Indians, and Bengali Muslims (they treat white people better than their own Muslims)! Sudan is a big example where Arab Muslims commited genocide against black Muslims and the funny thing is that Arab’s hate israel for killing Arabs but they themselves don’t give a **** about non-Arabs Muslims!

4. I recently read in a few articles that Saudi Arabia and other Arab states in the middle East are supporting israel against Iran!! Wow, how surprising, even though i don’t like Shia’s either but Iran is the only country that for now is standing up to the Zionists!

5. Arab’s have turned against eachother (and other fellow Muslims) in the past for example how Egypt and Saudi Arabia helped the Americans destroy the Iraqi military might (just what israel wanted them to do) and also how the Majority of Arab countries support India over Pakistan (india slaughtered over more than 4 million Muslim)! Even today Arabs are busy fighting eachother and supporting non-Muslim armies against the other Muslims! It says in the Quran: O you? who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Auliya’), then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust). Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #51

So basically my point is that Muslims these days have left Islam and this is why we are suffering! We always blame the Jews and “zionists” when it was the Arabs themselves who helped creat the monster “israel”!

So once again i will ask, will there ever be peace in the Middle East if Israel cease to exist today? Will it make a difference if israel existed or not? Why do we always blame the Jews and Christians for everything?

BTW, i don’t hate Arab’s but i’ve noticed a lot of the above in them!

The only 2 Muslim countries that ever gave support to the Bosnian Muslims was Pakistan and Iran!

Pakistan supplied the Bosnian Mujahideen with Anti Tank Missiles while Iran supplied them with oil!

As for the Arab countries, well they don’t give a **** about what india does to the Muslims of Kashmir so what makes you think they’ll give a **** about European Muslims?

But i’m not saying this only applies to Arab Muslims, but like i said i have seen this MOSTLY in Arab Muslims! Remember when you become arrogant and take pride in yourself Allah (swta) will punish you, and you see it was the Arab’s who betrayed the Caliphate and now they are paying for it!
Here’s a interesting video:

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