Monday, July 25, 2011

Does Iran have the "Right" to defend itself if it is attacked?

If Iran is attacked by another nation do they have the right to defend themselves and attack those who have attacked them?

Who then is the aggressor (in the wrong) and the defender (in the right).
Who then would YOU support?
Those in the wrong?
Or those in the right?

Nazi Germany “attacked” other countries, and they were in the “wrong”.
The U.K. and the U.S. (among other nations) defended them and were “in the right”.

Please, consider these very real possibilities.

First, if Israel thinks they can take on a nation of 85 million Iranians, they need to get off the drugs, booze, arrogance and punch-drunk Zionist-moron power trip. Israel cannot defeat Iran with conventional weapons. Iran is very close politically and economically to Russia and China, with each having huge financial interests at stake. The Bushear Nuclear Reactor was built by Russia, there are many Russian technicians there and have been all along. Any attack on that facility will kill Russians as well as Iranians. China has $400 billion in oil and gas business with Iran and has even built a new port at Gwadar.
Secondly, any attack by the US, possibly even if they are aiding and abetting an Israeli attack, could see a massive Iranian army cross the borders into Afghanistan, Baluchistan province of Pakistan and into Iraq. It could well make the US concept of ‘troop surge’ look impotent as our US troops are suddenly swarmed by millions of really angry, justifiably angry Iranians. They may well be joined by Russian, Indian and Chinese forces that already know that the US Global War on Terror lie is all about resource theft and control. That, ladies and gentlemen is what Iraq and Afghanistan, and even the new hostilities with Pakistan are really about.
If Americans have been displeased with the lies and deceit thus far emanating from the US and UK, and the dead and maimed number of US soldiers, they have not seen anything yet like the carnage that would come just from attacking Iran.

China has recently built and opened a port in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan and it is only 72 km from Iran. The intent is to get the Iranian oil to China through that port. It is also planned to run a pipeline from that port to China, a distance of only 2500 kilometers.
Look here:

If you are map challenged, that pipeline is across Pakistan, the port is in the western part of Pakistan. Afghanistan is to the north, India to the right side of the graphic and Iran is on the left side of the graphic.

Look at that graphic real close: The US aims to bring a pipeline from north of Afghanistan, through Afghanistan and then through that part of Pakistan to the ocean. Get it?
If not, damn, learn to read a map! Your very existence relies on it.
Americans need to really think and start asking why China can get such deals done with a pen, contracts and money, and the US military strategy is a complete failure. Really think on that because the answer is not that hard to understand. Russia and India are getting such deals done too, while the USA Titanic continues to sink.

Those who “control” Obama and who also “controlled” Bush are trying to destroy the United States,…WAKE UP!
China is taking very clear steps that signal it will control its energy future for their own economy, rather than being controlled and manipulated from London, DC or Wall Street. Again, that is their lawful right to do so.
That is what the pissing match is all about and the US and UK are losing, checkmate, the damned game and lies are over.

Pens and contracts are burying the US and UK. Due to the lies the morons concocted to launch their greedy plan, the rest of the world is laughing while the Empire Masters sink in the pile of shit they alone created. The rest of the world has moved on, won, and did not fire one single shot.
This insanity will only stop America when you wake up, grow a set of balls and make it stop.

So come on People, are we not FREE? Are we the ones living in a dictatorship?

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