Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why is it that when Wisconsin makes the national news, its either for violence or a major /facepalm?

I love my state, but why can’t we be recognized for all of the great things our citizens have accomplished? Most of us CAN point out Arizona on the map. Many of us have even bothered to learn INTERNATIONAL geography. I’ve lived in Wisconsin almost my whole life and I can find the United Kingdom on a map after just a few moments of searching. HOW COME THAT’S NOT ON THE NEWS??

Wisconsin really is a great place. We have more then just people who get fat on cheese then get drunk on beer then shoot up the place and then ride off on their Harleys. We have cannibals too! I kid, I kid, we have a quite a few lovely tourist traps, I mean, vacation destinations that AREN’T Native American Casinos/Gift Shops filled with overpriced “authentic” Indian crap.

In all seriousness, I think Wisconsin gets a bad rap in the media. The little bit of coverage we do get is limited to fat jokes, jokes about serial killers and cheese and/or beer jokes. Everywhere in America has fat people, why put it on Wisconsin?? And California actually produces more cheese then we do now, they have been for a few years. Give them the cheese jokes!

I know this is turning into a rant, but honestly, don’t judge all of Wisconsin by Peggy West, especially the people who live outside of her district and didn’t vote for her.
Sarah: The fact that you couldn’t see the intended comedy in my comments highlights this situation.

I’m not “ashamed” of Native American gaming, so put your race card away. It’s the low quality merchandise sold in most gift shops and convenience stores (Native American or otherwise) that bugs me.

And I know quite well that casinos bring in revenue to the state. No one needs to spend their life working in casinos to figure this out.

The Dells and Door County ARE tourist traps.

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