Monday, August 1, 2011

help with american history?

Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet around the world in order to

open markets to U.S. business.
measure the circumference of the globe.
prepare new navigational maps.
remind the world of U.S. military might.

Progressives sought to

free businesses from unnecessary government restraint.
make government more responsive to people.
allow government leaders more independence from businesses and voters alike.
pass laws increasing competition among businesses.

In Guinn v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

many achievements of the social reform movement were unconstitutional.
racially segregated housing was unconstitutional.
the grandfather clause that exempted whites from laws that were passed to keep African Americans from voting was unconstitutional.
American women had a constitutional right to vote.

Commodore Dewey’s flagship was the

USS Maine.
Empress of China.

The National Woman’s Party

focused its efforts on a constitutional amendment to win the vote for women.
opposed Wilson’s election.
encouraged the establishment of the Department of Labor.
passed legislation establishing Mother’s Day as a national holiday.

The primary goal of Roosevelt’s New Nationalism program was to

raise the level of patriotism in the country.
control the appointment of members of the House Rules Committee.
pass laws to protect workers, ensure public health and regulate business.
defeat industry and timber lobbyists’ efforts to bribe members of Congress.

Most members of labor unions

favored an open shop.
wanted to replace capitalism with an economic system controlled by workers.
wanted to preserve the capitalist system but make changes to it.
believed that much of the social legislation would eventually cost many workers their jobs.

The American Federation of Labor

refused to accept unskilled laborers as members.
worked hard at recruiting African American workers.
urged all American workers to join.
lost membership during the first decade of the 1900s.

In The Bitter Cry of the Children, author John Spargo reported that

most child laborers worked in the garment industry and canneries.
few child laborers had ever attended school.
children usually worked less than eight hours per day.
employers taught many poor children basic reading skills.

Some progressives

organized the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
believed American Indians should organize to help themselves.
considered discrimination against African Americans the biggest problem facing cities.
expressed open prejudice against African Americans and American Indians.

These are all multiple choice questions, thank you for your help.

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