Friday, September 23, 2011

History Study Questions. HELP! 10 Points?

Here are some study questions I’m working on. Let’s compare answers.

17.Which statement about the Sedition Act is NOT true?

a. It was designed to silence protests against the government.
b. Federalist judges were biased in enforcing the act.
c. No one was actually imprisoned under its statutes.
d. It was opposed by Democratic-Republican Societies.

18.Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a. he enjoyed great electoral success with the common man.
b. the Republicans began to assume many of Hamilton’s domestic policies.
c. the Federalist Party was fragmented and weakened.
d. he had a solid base in agrarian America.

19.Alexander Hamilton's financial plan for addressing the public debt stated that,

a. The federal government should assume the war debt of the state governments.
b. An excise tax was necessary to raise revenue and establish the government's authority to levy internal taxes on its citizens.
c. The creation of a national bank would provide the nation with a stable currency.
d. None of the above.
e. A, B, and C.

20.The Whiskey Rebellion occurred because Alexander Hamilton insisted on the collection of a whiskey tax to assert the supremacy of national laws. 13,000 Federal troops met no opposition and the rebellion was put down without bloodshed. However, it proved that the national government would use military force to compel obedience.


21.Jay's Treaty forced Americans to give up the right to discriminate against British shipping and merchandise and reconfirmed the American commitment to repay its pre-Revolutionary debts owed to the British. In the United States, news of the treaty caused___________

a. celebration among all Americans because they wanted to trade exclusively with England.
b. uproar by both southerners and northerners in the United States.
c. all people named Jay to become upset.
d. women to proclaim John Jay a hero and insist that he be promoted.

22.Although it was known for its scientific discoveries, some of the goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition were to:

a. Spread the Catholic religion among the peoples of the interior.
b. Befriend as many Indian nations as possible.
c. Find the mythical waterway known as the Northwest Passage that allegedly connected. the east and west coasts.
d. All of the above
e. B and C only

23.Thomas Jefferson was interested in securing the Louisiana territory from France because:

a. He liked the name Louisiana and wanted to live there.
b. He did not want Americans to be hemmed in and deprived of their empire of liberty.
c. He had an interest in the sugar business and wanted to create a monopoly by controlling the best land for cultivating sugar.
d. He was concerned that Napoleon would turn it into a sanctuary for Catholics.

24.The Lewis and Clark expedition did not meet all of its goals. However, it can still be considered a successful expedition because

a. It opened up the lands of the West to future generations by providing maps and descriptions of the best hunting and farming areas.
b. It made contact with many Native-American tribes, including some who had never seen a white person before.
c. People now saw Oregon as a possible place to settle.
d. All of these reasons.

25.Alexander Hamilton's economic policy included which of the following?

a. Banks should be created only by the states.
b. He argued against taxes on liquor.
c. He believed the United States should focus on commerce because it would never become a great power if it remained a nation of farmers.
d. He believed a small federal government was best.

26.Alexander Hamilton was killed by vice-president of the United States, Aaron Burr during a duel at Weehawken, New Jersey.


27.In an attempt to create a united Indian movement, the Native-American prophet, Tenkswatawa, told fellow Indians to

a. Assimilate into white culture.
b. Leave their native lands and sail to a new land that would be free of whites.
c. Write a letter to the president demanding that all whites stay east of the Mississippi River.
d. Set aside tribal and clan divisions, return to native rituals, and reject white material culture.

28.The War of 1812 between Britain and the United States, which began as an attempt by "War Hawks" to takeover British Canada and Spanish Florida, ended in a territorial victory for:

a. Britain
b. Native Americans
c. The United States
d. Neither Britain nor The United States, it was a wash.

29.Successes of Jefferson’s first term included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. a reduction in the size of the federal government.
b. getting rid of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
c. purchasing the Louisiana Territory.
d. a successful embargo on foreign trade.

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