Monday, June 20, 2011

My predictions for the next 100 years. Do You think this is Plausible?

here is how I see it:

-we break our unconditional embargo with Cuba and relations between US and South America improve (with next few years)

-Kim Jong Il suffers fatal stroke in say, 8 years, and his successor will be slightly less insane and isolationalist. N. Korea will begin to cooperate with UN sanctions and slowly, relations between North and South Korea and Japan will get better.

-Iraq settles down in terms of insurgency in next year or two.

-Afghanistan becomes tough struggle for next 5 years but eventually Taliban and Al Qaida will be permanently diminished. US will have reclaimed some international credibility and respect and there will be a decrease in anti-americanism.

-Japan and China compete economically, but China has internal issues that tear it apart: difference in economies b/t poor, central china and the industrialized cities. Communist regime breaks in two, and is not as much of a world power as everyone predicts. Japan expands unchecked, i.e. China is less of a world player and economically controls half of the pacific. I say this in 10 to 15 years.

-Relations between Russia and United States becomes more strained over issues of Iran and on nuclear proliferation. (5-10 years)

-Iran covertly tries to develop nuclear (warhead) capabilities, not just civilian nuclear power. (go figure). in next few years.

- 5 or so years, Israel does what it did to Saddam and to Syria: precision air strike on nuclear facilities, i.e enriching, processing, etc. Iran’s nuclear program back to square 1. Iran vows revenge, and along with Russia condems Israel’s actions, as does UN and NATO. US also condemns Israel’s “rash” actions but still unconditionally supports Israel. Relations b/t Iran and Israel, and US and Russia strained.

-In next few years, global economic crisis returns to normal. I predict a second crisis in about 25-30 years.

-Pakistan helps Iran rebuild nuclear capabilities covertly. We figure this out through our intelligence agencies and impose sanctions to no avail. (8-15 years from now.)

-India also condemns Pakistan and Iran. Slowly, from 15 to 20/25 years from now, there is an emergence of two main powers (alliances.)
1. B/t US, Israel, UK, France (but so what about the French), India, and China (b/c of its economic interests in US).
2. Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and Japan, which gets its oil and resources from Russia.

Cuba has become a non issue, as has North Korea, which no longer is pursuing nuclear warheads.

We will end up having a smaller cold war that will last for about 15-20 years. Very scary time when it seems like Iran and Israel will commence nuclear exchange, and then Russia & US will follow suit.

Globe will at same time undergo a second economic crisis. Russia will be hit hard, and so will its trade partners, especially Japan. US will ride through and survive. The countries that survive economic crash will win the second cold war.

Russian Federation will dissolve into three or four separate states. Trying to not make the same mistake twice, NATO and UN will immediately step in and help protect against further nuclear proliferation. Efforts prove to be a success. Russia becomes far less powerful.

about 2040, Iranian president dies. Iran is still a threat, but a little bit more reasonable. However, without any real backing from Russia, whose power has greatly diminished, Iran will make a desperate move. Isolated with no real allies or supporters, Iran, if caught up in radical Islamic mindset like that of the Ayatollah, will try to drop their entire, though meager,nuclear arsenal on Israeli cities such as Tel Aviv. Israel will, before the detonations, retaliate by unloading their entire arsenal on Iran, wiping it off the map, practically. Syria and Egypt and many neighboring countries of Israel will invade Israel as of about 2075, and US will step in on their behalf. This will be Wold War III. US and Israel will fight off invaders, however, fallout and after effects of the Iranian nuke render much of Israel uninhabitable and there will be a mass exodus from Israel to the US, England, Australia, etc. Russia will then intervene against US for helping Israel and there will be an all out war between US and Russia. Much of this war will be fought in the air and in space, as throughout 21st century, I predict that space will be the new frontier for the military. Whoever has control of the immediate outer space will prevail. i predict this to be America and the russians will lose as they are already too weak That will be the last great war for a while and slowly, things will even out after that.

On a side note, By 2050, I predict climate change and environmental issues will be greatly reduced but not wholly cured by alternative energies.

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