that is to be submitted tomorrow
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Madurai bus stand
Image taken on 2009-12-28 04:07:57 by fredericknoronha.
How to upload Bhuvan india map,Download Bhuvan
how many indian states are there?
how many states are there in India?
If americans are more aware of history, would they end their blind support of israel's violent regime?
This fascinating essay, written by King Hussein’s grandfather King Abdullah, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
Such fragmentary records as we have indicate that the Jews were wandering nomads from Iraq who moved to southern Turkey, came south to Palestine, stayed there a short time, and then passed to Egypt, where they remained about 400 years. About 1300 BC (according to your calendar) they left Egypt and gradually conquered most—but not all—of the inhabitants of Palestine.
It is significant that the Philistines—not the Jews—gave their name to the country: “Palestine” is merely the Greek form of “Philistia.”
Only once, during the empire of David and Solomon, did the Jews ever control nearly—but not all—the land which is today Palestine. This empire lasted only 70 years, ending in 926 BC. Only 250 years later the Kingdom of Judah had shrunk to a small province around Jerusalem, barely a quarter of modern Palestine.
In 63 BC the Jews were conquered by Roman Pompey, and never again had even the vestige of independence. The Roman Emperor Hadrian finally wiped them out about 135 AD. He utterly destroyed Jerusalem, rebuilt under another name, and for hundreds of years no Jew was permitted to enter it. A handful of Jews remained in Palestine but the vast majority were killed or scattered to other countries, in the Diaspora, or the Great Dispersion. From that time Palestine ceased to be a Jewish country, in any conceivable sense.
This was 1,815 years ago, and yet the Jews solemnly pretend they still own Palestine! If such fantasy were allowed, how the map of the world would dance about!
Italians might claim England, which the Romans held so long. England might claim France, “homeland” of the conquering Normans. And the French Normans might claim Norway, where their ancestors originated. And incidentally, we Arabs might claim Spain, which we held for 700 years.
Many Mexicans might claim Spain, “homeland” of their forefathers. They might even claim Texas, which was Mexican until 100 years ago. And suppose the American Indians claimed the “homeland” of which they were the sole, native, and ancient occupants until only some 450 years ago!
I am not being facetious. All these claims are just as valid—or just as fantastic—as the Jewish “historic connection” with Palestine. Most are more valid.
In any event, the great Moslem expansion about 650 AD finally settled things. It dominated Palestine completely. From that day on, Palestine was solidly Arabic in population, language, and religion. When British armies entered the country during the last war, they found 500,000 Arabs and only 65,000 Jews.
If solid, uninterrupted Arab occupation for nearly 1,300 years does not make a country “Arab”, what does?
The Jews say, and rightly, that Palestine is the home of their religion. It is likewise the birthplace of Christianity, but would any Christian nation claim it on that account? In passing, let me say that the Christian Arabs—and there are many hundreds of thousands of them in the Arab World—are in absolute agreement with all other Arabs in opposing the Zionist invasion of Palestine.
May I also point out that Jerusalem is, after Mecca and Medina, the holiest place in Islam. In fact, in the early days of our religion, Moslems prayed toward Jerusalem instead of Mecca.
The Jewish “religious claim” to Palestine is as absurd as the “historic claim.” The Holy Places, sacred to three great religions, must be open to all, the monopoly of none. Let us not confuse religion and politics.
We are told that we are inhumane and heartless because do not accept with open arms the perhaps 200,000 Jews in Europe who suffered so frightfully under Nazi cruelty, and who even now—almost three years after war’s end—still languish in cold, depressing camps.
Let me underline several facts. The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West. The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West.. The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West.
And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. “We have hurt these people terribly,” cries the West to the East. “Won’t you please take care of them for us?”
We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore “cruel and heartless nationalists”?
We are a generous people: we are proud that “Arab hospitality” is a phrase famous throughout the world. We are a humane people: no one was shocked more than we by the Hitlerite terror. No one pities the present plight of the desperate European Jews more than we.
But we say that Pales
I need a blank physiographic, political, and physical map of India by Monday!!?
please answer by monday!! please!!!
actually tomorrow. sunday
Saturday, December 24, 2011
What does a map look like when the Aryans entered India?
I would be most grateful if you could help me out (:
Why did the names of indian cities change?
especially the changes that are so small like from “calcutta” to “kolkata”
South India Travel Doc - Part 03
South India is the area encompassing India’s states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu as well as the union territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry, occupying 19.31% of area. South India lies in the peninsular Deccan Plateau and is bounded by the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal in the west, south and east respectively. The geography of the region is diverse, encompassing two mountain ranges — the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats and a plateau heartland. Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Kaveri rivers are important non-perennial sources of water. Inhabitants of South India are referred to as South Indians. A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Tulu. During its history, a number of dynastic kingdoms ruled over parts of South India whose invasions across southern and southeastern Asia impacted the history and cultures of modern nation-states such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. The region was colonised by Britain and gradually incorporated into the British Empire. After experiencing fluctuations in the decades immediately after Indian independence, the economies of South Indian states have registered higher than national average decadal growth over the past three decades. While South Indian states have improved in some socio-economic metrices, economic disparity, illiteracy and poverty continue to affect the region much like the rest of the country …
Which of these is your favorite quote?
A. “See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.” -Robin Williams
B. “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.” -George W. Bush
C. “You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.” -Al Capone
D. “It’s like deja-vu all over again.” -Yogi Berra
E. “Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wild Life.” -Muhammad Ali
F. “The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow” -Bible – Ecclesiastes 1:18
G. “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.” -President Barack Obama
H. “Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life” -Brooke Shields
I. “Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.” -Ivana Trump
J. “The internet is a great way to get on the net.” -Bob Dole
K. “I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.” -Britney Spears
L. “I think gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger
M. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” -Albert Einstein
N. “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” -John F. Kennedy
O. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin
P. “If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight." -George Gobel
Q. "Suicide is man’s way of telling God, “You can’t fire me – I quit!’” -Bill Maher
R. “If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.” -Bill Gates
S. “Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.” Buddha
T. “We have a lot of kids who don’t know what work means. They think work is a four-letter word.” -Hillary Clinton
U. “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent…. I’m not joking.” -Vice President Joe Biden
V. “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” -Steve Jobs
W. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” -Abraham Lincoln
X. “I’m a REAL boy” -Pinocchio
Y. “War is only good for producing debt and death” -Matthew M. Viramontes [Me]
Z. “I personally believe, that US Americans are unable to do so, because some people out there, in our nation, don’t have maps, and eh I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here, in the US, should help the US, or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future… for our children.” -Ms. Teen South Carolina 2007
what do you think of these quotes?
william s. borroughs
A cat’s rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering.
William S. Burroughs
A functioning police state needs no police.
William S. Burroughs
A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.
William S. Burroughs
Admittedly, a homosexual can be conditioned to react sexually to a woman, or to an old boot for that matter. In fact, both homo – and heterosexual experimental subjects have been conditioned to react sexually to an old boot, and you can save a lot of money that way.
William S. Burroughs
After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.
William S. Burroughs
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say ‘I want to see the manager.’
William S. Burroughs
America is not a young land: it is old and dirty and evil before the settlers, before the Indians. The evil is there waiting.
William S. Burroughs
Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.
William S. Burroughs
Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.
William S. Burroughs
Be just and if you can’t be just, be arbitrary.
William S. Burroughs
Black magic operates most effectively in preconscious, marginal areas. Casual curses are the most effective.
William S. Burroughs
Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.
William S. Burroughs
Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.
William S. Burroughs
Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war.
William S. Burroughs
How I hate those who are dedicated to producing conformity.
William S. Burroughs
Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.
William S. Burroughs
I am getting so far out one day I won’t come back at all.
William S. Burroughs
I had not taken a bath in a year nor changed my clothes or removed them except to stick a needle every hour in the fibrous grey wooden flesh of heroin addiction. I did absolutely nothing.
William S. Burroughs
In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.
William S. Burroughs
In my writing I am acting as a map maker, an explorer of psychic areas, a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed.
William S. Burroughs
Junk is the ideal product… the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.
William S. Burroughs
Language is a virus from outer space.
William S. Burroughs
Like all pure creatures, cats are practical.
William S. Burroughs
Man is an artifact designed for space travel. He is not designed to remain in his present biologic state any more than a tadpole is designed to remain a tadpole.
William S. Burroughs
Most of the trouble in this world has been caused by folks who can’t mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has.
William S. Burroughs
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
William S. Burroughs
Our national drug is alcohol. We tend to regard the use any other drug with special horror.
William S. Burroughs
Perhaps all pleasure is only relief.
William S. Burroughs
Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.
William S. Burroughs
Smash the control images. Smash the control machine.
William S. Burroughs
Sometimes paranoia’s just having all the facts.
William S. Burroughs
The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.
William S. Burroughs
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don’t buy love for nothing.
William S. Burroughs
The face of evil is always the face of total need.
William S. Burroughs
The only possible ethic is to do what one wants to do.
William S. Burroughs
The way to kill a man or a nation is to cut off his dreams, the way the whites are taking care of the Indians: killing their dreams, their magic, their familiar spirits.
William S. Burroughs
There couldn’t be a society of people who didn’t dream. They’d be dead in two weeks.
William S. Burroughs
Which came first the intestine or the tapeworm?
William S. Burroughs
You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.
William S. Burroughs
Your knowledge of what is going on can only be superficial and relative.
William S. Burroughs
Indian Map from Google
This is an video in which some Issue have been described regarding google map
what all are the landlocked states of india?
please cud u mark it on the map of india
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Why do hollywood movies and the west view middle easterners as dark skinned like latinos?
Its really ignorant because middle easterners are WHITE just like the states. Many of them have blonde hairs and blue eyes and pale skin. Like Turkey, Lebanon, Armenia, Israel, Syria, Persia. They are mostly white. But the problem is that everytime i see a hollywood movie, the middle eastern person is either Indian or mexican (hispanic). Its crazy. Why dont they ever make the middle eastern character with blonde hair and blue eyes or just simply white skin. Its crazy because everytime I go to the states people get shocked to see that im middle eastern because of those stupid stereotypes that the media is spreading there about us! Look at the map we are BORDERING EUROPE for god sakes. Its crazy!! Here are some beautiful middle eastern celebs to back up my statement and I put their names if u wanna research them too
Nicole saba
Dana dandan
Madeline matar
Maya Diab
And many of course go like” the middle east is soo conservative u have to cover up u cant drink and bla bla bla WELL here is a LEBANESE video clip taken by a LEBANESE singer in a LEBANESE nightclub in the sin city of beirut.
Doesnt she look european? Oh wait, its also a middle eastern look!
HUGH, maybe you went ot the GULF! and yes gulf arabians are dark and some look indians. Have you been to the mediaterranean middle eastern coutnries? Like Lebanon? Israel? Armenia? Turkey? Not all middle east is the same you know. Many are like europeans, not only in looks but in CULTURE TOO
@ELLE- I know there are black middle easterners, but I was talking about the MAJORITY. they are WHITE!
I need some maps?
I need the maps from india and china TOGETHER. Can you find the pic of china and Inda together from space. If not then just a normal pic. THANK you
Satguide on Sakshi TV
Welcome To SatGuide! Indias GPS Pioneer in 2005, Market Leader in 2009! Maps of 404 cities and 16 lakh POIs Turn-by-turn voice directions in many languages Extended Customer Support from 6:30am to 11:30pm We are the Pioneer of GPS Navigation in India and today, we are the Market Leader! We have been collecting and creating our maps, database and routing since 1999. These efforts have resulted in SatGuide having the best maps along with the largest database. We have 16 lakh POIs or destinations mapped all across the country. We have the largest share of exclusive navigation devices called Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs). We also have 100% market of Windows Mobile phones in India! ASUS, i-mate, HP and HTC are our partners. Whether you are a businessperson planning your next trip or a salesperson headed for a sales call or a family headed to a new city for a vacation or housewife headed to a party, you will benefit from SatGuide! If you have ever stopped to ask for driving directions, you will not do so anymore with SatGuide. SatGuide is Indias 1st GPS Navigation software. It is a must have navigator that guides the user within a particular city or from one city to another across India. SatGuide offers turn-by-turn navigational directions for many Indian cities. SatGuide software is offered with ONE INDIA map that has detailed maps of more than 404 cities along with National Highways and other routes. SatGuide ensures that you NEVER GET LOST!TM SatGuide is now offering …
which of the 50 states were named for Indian tribes?
which of the 50 states were named for Indian tribes?
I have a question regarding Palestine and the Middle East!?
Lately i have been observing many events in the Middle East, Central, and South Asia regarding Muslims! I have looked into both historical events and events that took place recently and events that are still taking place! I have noticed the amount of Nationalism in Arabs and i have a question:
If Israel was to be wiped off of the map of the word and if Arabs got Palestine returned to them, will there peace in the Middle East? Will the Arab countries come out of the mess they placed themselves in?
Why am i asking this question? What are my reasons for asking?
1. During the first World War Arab tribes betrayed the Ottoman Caliphate (the last stronghold of Islam at the time) and joined the Zionist agent Lawrence of Arabia and helped him break off the Hijaz from the rest of the empire (we should keep in mind that this betrayel resulted in the creation of the Jewish State of Israel)!
2. I’ve noticed a lot of Nationalism in Arab’s and Arab countries! My friends at school had a dispute with eachother regarding their Nationalities and which one was better than other! One of them was Egyptian and the other was Palestinian, they were arguing over the silliest things lol!
3. One of the things i’m very dissappointed over is how Arabs treat non-Arabs! If you go to Dubai, UAE and Saudi Arabia you’ll see how they treat and make racist remarks about Persians, Pakistanis, Indians, and Bengali Muslims (they treat white people better than their own Muslims)! Sudan is a big example where Arab Muslims commited genocide against black Muslims and the funny thing is that Arab’s hate israel for killing Arabs but they themselves don’t give a **** about non-Arabs Muslims!
4. I recently read in a few articles that Saudi Arabia and other Arab states in the middle East are supporting israel against Iran!! Wow, how surprising, even though i don’t like Shia’s either but Iran is the only country that for now is standing up to the Zionists!
5. Arab’s have turned against eachother (and other fellow Muslims) in the past for example how Egypt and Saudi Arabia helped the Americans destroy the Iraqi military might (just what israel wanted them to do) and also how the Majority of Arab countries support India over Pakistan (india slaughtered over more than 4 million Muslim)! Even today Arabs are busy fighting eachother and supporting non-Muslim armies against the other Muslims! It says in the Quran: O you? who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Auliya’), then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust). Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #51
So basically my point is that Muslims these days have left Islam and this is why we are suffering! We always blame the Jews and “zionists” when it was the Arabs themselves who helped creat the monster “israel”!
So once again i will ask, will there ever be peace in the Middle East if Israel cease to exist today? Will it make a difference if israel existed or not? Why do we always blame the Jews and Christians for everything?
BTW, i don’t hate Arab’s but i’ve noticed a lot of the above in them!
The only 2 Muslim countries that ever gave support to the Bosnian Muslims was Pakistan and Iran!
Pakistan supplied the Bosnian Mujahideen with Anti Tank Missiles while Iran supplied them with oil!
As for the Arab countries, well they don’t give a **** about what india does to the Muslims of Kashmir so what makes you think they’ll give a **** about European Muslims?
But i’m not saying this only applies to Arab Muslims, but like i said i have seen this MOSTLY in Arab Muslims! Remember when you become arrogant and take pride in yourself Allah (swta) will punish you, and you see it was the Arab’s who betrayed the Caliphate and now they are paying for it!
Here’s a interesting video:
where i can get maps ?
i want a map of india that where disaster has occur in india???
plz tell me the link or site where i can get map of india & world too for d same thing……….
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Mughal Empire brought basic change to India in all the following areas EXCEPT a. language map. b. ar?
The Mughal Empire brought basic change to India in all the following areas EXCEPT
a. language map.
b. artistic styles.
c. social structure.
d. religious balance.
Can someone Please give me a map of India including these thing read details ....?
please i really need this for a project im doing on India and I need a map of India including types of vegetation , Types of wildlife, Road and railway networks and Air and seaports available,and tourism service available PLEASE HELP
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Madurai, India - Google Map Maker widescreen timelapse video
Another timelapse video of the city Madura by mapped in Google Map Maker. (This time is in hi-res and widescreen mode.)
Can you answer honestIy? Why are you proud of the US?
The USA (not America which is the entire continent), I’m afraid to say is the most messed up country on earth. Born from english colonists who could not make it in England, they fled or were pushed by the London courts to go there where they wreaked havoc on the indians, raped the land, killed all the Buffalo, betrayed their mother country and rewrote history to make them look like heroes who were oppressed when they were living better than most englishman in England. Cried out for help from the British army to defeat the French in the French and indian war and when it was over, refused to pay any contribution to it, started a civil war, started calling themselves americans instead of Englishman as they had before, sided with their former enemy, made jefferson (a man who agreed and praised the terror in the French revolution) their president, stated they were against any kind of empire then invaded Mexico, Texas, California and the Philippines (against the wishes of the people) had a civil war where the confederates were fighting for the same principles as the so called patriots were in the war of independence and then called THEM rebels, have never won a war anywhere without the help of the British (and yet they hate the British) have on three occasions in their short history been defeated by small countries you can’t even find on the map, allowed a bunch of Muslim fanatics to blow up two of building with their own planes, killed more of their own presidents than any other democracy in the world and they are only 230 Years old. As the US before that they were British America. A land where everybody has their roots somewhere else, African american, italian american, polish american, russian american who all carry guns, hate each other, live in their own hoods and shoot you if you encroach on their manor.
The south hates the north even to this day, they teach their kids false history in schools and hollywood films big up the US contribution to the 2nd world war even though they British invented every technology that won that war from radar, cavity magnetron to the first Computer and with its empire fielded more troops (and that doesn’t even include the Russians)
Today they stomp all over the world waving there ridiculous made up flag (a corruption of the old new england flag where there are now stars instead of a union jack) pretending that they have been all powerful for ever and always been around when only 100 years ago the were considered a third rate ex British colony like new zealand.
In addition the so called (and not many americans know this because its suppressed in their history books) American Dream came from the land grab and the railway building in the west. ALL of this with very little exception was financed by British investment from London stockbrokers, without that investment the US as you know it today would be just like Canada (where they did it on their own)
Who in heavens name apart from muslims, africans and other third world poor people would want to live their?
GOD BLESS America?? !t needs it!!!!!
I’m British.
New Middle East Map - Iran Turkey India Pakistan Arabia - Brzezinski
New Middle East Map – Iran Turkey India Pakistan Arabia – Brzezinski
Bus lanes and automated bus gates
Bus priority in UK is full of examples of simple and cost-effective measures. This video looks at bus priority measures used at Hammersmith Bridge in London where automatic bus gates are used for added safety. The buses are given priority at the bottle neck when approaching the single lane entry to the bridge very effectively. This film has been compiled with the hope that many Indian cities duplicate these easy methods rather than just focusing on Bogota style BRT which is limited to widest of roads (and there are very few of these in Indian cities).
Monday, October 24, 2011
Why aren't peopIe from the US ashamed?
The USA (not America which is the entire continent), I’m afraid to say is the most messed up country on earth. Born from english colonists who could not make it in England, they fled or were pushed by the London courts to go there where they wreaked havoc on the indians, raped the land, killed all the Buffalo, betrayed their mother country and rewrote history to make them look like heroes who were oppressed when they were living better than most englishman in England. Cried out for help from the British army to defeat the French in the French and indian war and when it was over, refused to pay any contribution to it, started a civil war, started calling themselves americans instead of Englishman as they had before, sided with their former enemy, made jefferson (a man who agreed and praised the terror in the French revolution) their president, stated they were against any kind of empire then invaded Mexico, Texas, California and the Philippines (against the wishes of the people) had a civil war where the confederates were fighting for the same principles as the so called patriots were in the war of independence and then called THEM rebels, have never won a war anywhere without the help of the British (and yet they hate the British) have on three occasions in their short history been defeated by small countries you can’t even find on the map, allowed a bunch of Muslim fanatics to blow up two of building with their own planes, killed more of their own presidents than any other democracy in the world and they are only 230 Years old. As the US before that they were British America. A land where everybody has their roots somewhere else, African american, italian american, polish american, russian american who all carry guns, hate each other, live in their own hoods and shoot you if you encroach on their manor.
The south hates the north even to this day, they teach their kids false history in schools and hollywood films big up the US contribution to the 2nd world war even though they British invented every technology that won that war from radar, cavity magnetron to the first Computer and with its empire fielded more troops (and that doesn’t even include the Russians)
Today they stomp all over the world waving there ridiculous made up flag (a corruption of the old new england flag where there are now stars instead of a union jack) pretending that they have been all powerful for ever and always been around when only 100 years ago the were considered a third rate ex British colony like new zealand.
In addition the so called (and not many americans know this because its suppressed in their history books) American Dream came from the land grab and the railway building in the west. ALL of this with very little exception was financed by British investment from London stockbrokers, without that investment the US as you know it today would be just like Canada (where they did it on their own)
Who in heavens name apart from muslims, africans and other third world poor people would want to live their?
GOD BLESS America?? !t needs it!!!!!
Stronghold 2 India Map Part 2: Under Siege
I am attacked by my enemy in a siege part 3
i need a site where i can get exclusive maps of the different soils of india?
i need individual good quality maps for each and every soil of india
plz reply as soon as possible
where is india and greenland on the pangea map?
MY daughter is doing a puzzel of the pangea map and on the computer we can’t tell where greenland or india is supposed to have been. Please help
which is the site gives me information about faculty in Hindi in other than Indian cities?
i am doctorate in Hindi from India . i am searching for the sites regarding career in factuality as Hindi teacher in foreign countries.
Do you think that if you really despise dating a certain group, you may end up dating them anyways?
So I hear someone tell me that they ended up with someone they never thought they would end up with.
Well I have nothing against White women but I really would not date one or marry one (unless they have the dark haired, tanned skin and brown eyes look that Spanish and Italian women have). Thing is.
1. I find Black, Hispanic and Asian women 10 times more attractive.
2. I find that most White American women do not love their families as much as women of other races do. Most leave their parents in nursing homes, and I want my parents to live with me for the rest of my life because of all they have done for me.
3. I am not attracted to them at all.
4. I really do not find a White American girl as attractive as lets say an Italian girl.
5. The divorce rate for White women is off the maps, I read on an article that nearly 70 percent of all the women who are involved in divorce are White women.
6. I am an Indian guy, and too many Indian guys obsess over White women, I want to be different from all other Indians. I want to be the first Indian guy in the US to marry a Latina.
7. I want my kid to be raised in another culture. I am turned off in general by not only White American culture but American culture in general. Also whenever I see a White lady on TV I get bored to death, till this day the ONLY White girl I have ever found attractive was Angelina Jolie (of course some Spanish and Italian celebs aren’t so bad).
I am worried because the area I live in may be mostly Black and White but recently I read online that America is a 66 percent White country. My friends joked yesterday telling me “dude quit being in denial, your future wife is going to be a Blonde hair, blue eyed chick”.
I am currently dating a Latina and I do hope we go all the way but problem is that we will be in different states come college time (I am currently a high school senior). Also a few days ago I had a nightmare that I was married to a White woman.
Can someone please answer my question?
*I am not racist or anything. If you are a moron who thinks I am racist you may as well call me a sexist because I won’t date a guy. Also, I hate it when people are ignorant and call you a racist for having preferences.
Do Punjabis have an ancestrial link with Iranians?
I am a Punjabi Sikh, and im just curious if i have any Iranian ancestry. i dont want to ask my parents, because they would probably say
“shut up boy. we are punjabi indians. not some damm iranian”
also, if you dont know what Punjab is, its a state in Northwest India, and a Province of Northeast Pakistan.
also, the word PUNJAB is an Iranian/Farsi word in Origin.
Panj meaning 5, Ab meaning water = Panjab, or Punjab.
Punjab map
@divya- is that you in the pic? or is it someone elses pic?
@you are pretty divya
Looking for a good map of India-on-line, specifically of location of Madras. Anyone know?
Is Chennai the same as Madras?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
MrElvilia Potatoes : India Natyu
Bonjour, voici la map plus ou moins attendue “Elvilia Potatoes” Chaine de MrElvilia : Chaine du précédent ( Elarcis ) : Chaine de la suivante ( Biloulette ) :
South India Travel Doc - Part 02
South India is the area encompassing India’s states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu as well as the union territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry, occupying 19.31% of area. South India lies in the peninsular Deccan Plateau and is bounded by the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal in the west, south and east respectively. The geography of the region is diverse, encompassing two mountain ranges — the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats and a plateau heartland. Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Kaveri rivers are important non-perennial sources of water. Inhabitants of South India are referred to as South Indians. A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Tulu. During its history, a number of dynastic kingdoms ruled over parts of South India whose invasions across southern and southeastern Asia impacted the history and cultures of modern nation-states such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. The region was colonised by Britain and gradually incorporated into the British Empire. After experiencing fluctuations in the decades immediately after Indian independence, the economies of South Indian states have registered higher than national average decadal growth over the past three decades. While South Indian states have improved in some socio-economic metrices, economic disparity, illiteracy and poverty continue to affect the region much like the rest of the country …
how do i summarize this article in 6-8 sentences?
In the standard U.S. history course in high schools and universities, students are usually taught that until the Spanish-American War, the United States had followed for the most part the advice of Washington and Jefferson to steer clear of foreign entanglements. Americans had devoted themselves overwhelmingly to building their civilization here at home, whereas from 1898 onward, they began to "look outward" and to embrace the "large policy" of national greatness and foreign empire favored by such leading figures as Henry Cabot Lodge, John Hay, and Theodore Roosevelt. This way of dividing U.S. history into two epochs–before and after the onset of overseas imperialism–is fundamentally misleading.
Americans were empire builders from the get-go. From the moment the British colonists set foot on the North American continent, they resolved to engage in what the historians rather romantically and unreflectively call "westward movement," which some nineteenth-century Americans characterized as the realization of their "manifest destiny." This movement was itself an expression of imperialism, and some Americans, such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, were not ashamed to speak forthrightly of an American empire that would develop naturally as the (white) population grew and moved across the continent.
As my parenthetical qualification in the preceding sentence suggests, however, this vision disregarded one rather large fact: the continent across which these white people longed to expand was already inhabited by native Americans whose forebears had settled it more or less thickly over the previous millennia. The whites dealt with this difficulty by hook and by crook, doing whatever seemed expedient at the time–killing the Indians, driving them farther and farther to the west, buying their land, stealing their land, making treaties subsequently to be broken—to get the land they imagined to be theirs by divine design.
At the end of the American War of Independence, the Treaty of Paris established a western boundary for the new nation at the Mississippi River. Little by little, the Americans added huge chunks to the U.S. territory by means of an unconstitutional purchase of French claims to Louisiana (Jefferson conveniently set aside his belief in strict construction of the Constitution), an offer that Spain dared not refuse (for Florida), a settlement of disputed claims with Great Britain (to get the Oregon Country), and wars of aggression against Mexico (to snatch the southwest). By this continental imperialism, the United States pushed its western edge to the Pacific Ocean and its northern and southern boundaries deep in areas previously claimed by Mexico and Great Britain, as the map shows.
Imagine, however, that history had taken a different turn; in particular, that each of the major territories incorporated into the United States (not counting Alaska and Hawaii) had become instead an independent country. Each of them, except perhaps Florida, would have been fairly large as nation-states go. Each would have contained a vast diversity of natural resources, fertile lands for agricultural development, and long coastlines from which they could have engaged in cheap, waterborne international commerce. In short, each of these territories would have been completely viable as an independent country.
If history had taken this shape, how might the six nations of central North America have developed? Would they have gone to war with one another, perhaps shifting or blotting out their original borders, or might their leaders have seen the advantage of embracing continental free trade and friendly relations, perhaps even unobstructed flows of labor along the lines of the modern European Union? We can only conjecture answers to these questions.
One thing seems fairly sure, however: no one of these nations would have been as likely to develop into the global hegemon that the United States of America is today. And this outcome, one may well suppose, would have been a godsend for the people of other parts of the world because, however much today's Americans enjoy whooping it up about being Number 1 and about "kicking ass" around the world with their far-flung military forces, those on the receiving end of this kicking do not appreciate it any more than the native Americans appreciated it back in the days when American imperialism was confined for the most part to North America.
Also,do you thinks his theorys right?is it realistic given what we know and what he states?
how would life be different?
thnxs in advance
Map of India before Independence or during 18th century??
does anyone know a website that shows the map of india before its independence or during the 18th century.?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Why dont we hear more about Canadas ONGOING Genocide of Natives?
Canada seems to slip under the radar often when it comes to stuff like this and the baby seal slaughter they have every year…
Playground bones force Canada to face genocide of Indian children
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Premium Article !
To read this article in full you must have registered and have a Premium Content Subscription with the The Scotsman site.
IN OVERGROWN deserted school playgrounds across Canada lie the bones of thousands of native Indian children who were stolen from their families.
Historian John Milloy is helping to uncover their stories in official research on burial sites. “We know that children were buried in unmarked graves, children who disappeared and were never heard from again,” he said. The research is part of Canad
a’s attempts to face up to a disturbing legacy of its residential school system, an attempt to “assimilate” native children that resulted in thousands of deaths and ruined lives.
From the late 19th century right up to the 1970s, an estimated 150,000 native children – First Nations, Inuit and Métis – were packed off to the schools, funded by the state and run by the Catholic, Anglican and United churches.
The story has taken a more sinister turn, with allegations about death by torture, fatal medical experiments, forced sterilisation and secret burials in mass graves filtering into the public domain.
These allegations have been gathered and disseminated by Kevin Annett, a defrocked minister who was thrown out of the United Church in 1996 for his part in exposing the schools scandal and the clergy’s sale of entrusted native lands to a logging company.
Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, apologised last year on behalf of the religious authorities. “We failed them, we failed ourselves, we failed God. We failed because of our racism and because of the belief that white ways were superior to aboriginal ways,” he said.
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has responded to the claims over Mr Annett’s allegations by ordering maps to be drawn up of possible burial sites and research into numbers and causes of death.
Mr Milloy and his team plan to track down the death certificates and records of maintenance payments sent to schools. Much of the proof will have been lost in routine government purges of official documentation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, he fears.
Michael Pollesel, general secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada, says that many schools would also have lost track of children.
Roland Chrisjohn, a professor of native studies St Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick, is sick of what he perceives as Canada tip-toeing around the issue.
“I want someone with the power to subpoena witnesses and documents and go all kinds of places this commission can’t go at all,” he said.
Describing the residential schools as “genocide”, he said: “Perpetrators are still living. People should be held to account.”
Mike Cachagee, the chairman of the National Residential Schools Survivors’ Society, has his own theory about the TRC. “It is an opportunity for churches to receive absolution,” he said.
“For us, there are no words of reconciliation, you have to make amends. Just listening for ten minutes doesn’t work.”
Thousands abused in regime built to crush native cultures
LAST June, the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, rose in parliament to apologise to aboriginal people on behalf of all Canadians for a system of Indian residential schools he called a “sad chapter in our history”.
From the 1870s to the 1970s, some 150,000 native Indian children were forcibly removed from their parents and sent to distant residential schools. Many survivors said they were abused mentally, physically and sexually. In 2006, a class-action lawsuit resulted in a court settlement that awarded them close to $2 billion (£1.5 billion).
There are about 80,000 survivors of a practice that ripped an estimated 150,000 children from their communities and sent them off to be relieved of their “Indian-ness”.
In decades past the aim was to assimilate aboriginal peoples and crush their cultures. Duncan Campbell Scott, a senior government bureaucrat dealing with aboriginal matters, declared in 1920: “I want to get rid of the Indian problem.” He went on: “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic.”
Children were called pigs and dogs. Teachers beat them if they used their own languages and told
can someone get me a map of india wit wildlife reserves in it?
wildlife reserve include wildlife sanctuaries, bird ssanctuaries & national parks.
Stronghold 2 India Map Part 4: Returning the Favor
After I am attacked by my enemy in a siege, I counter attack in this video
Which part of us cities Indian stays in max population?
I want to know which part of US city most of the Indian stays, To clear most which is the most populated US city with Indian people staying there, I want a exact name of place with pin code where Indian people stays,
Which Indian Radio station Indian people hear in USA
Which social networking website Indian people Use in USA.
Is there any US channel For Indian people ,If not then which channel they watch.
People answer those people who really have personal experience staying in USA
Why do people south of the border feel they were the first to inhabit the south west?
Why do they forget that the land was occupied by American Indians?
Why do illegal aliens feel this is their land to come back to and make bogus claims of it belonging to them?
As we have seen American Indians were the first people and first westerners of the American West. When Europeans came to what they called the 'New World', they saw it as their right or 'Manifest Destiny', conquer the land and disposes the American Indian. To help justify conquest, Europeans perceived indigenous peoples, including American Indians and their culture unequal (even non-human), and unworthy; often mentally rendering them invisible. American Indian discovery of America was also ignored so as to put into effect the 'Doctrine of Discovery'. Thus you will see false statements like 'Columbus discovered America', even though it is not clear he new where he was. So as immigrants, some by choice and others forced, made their way to America and the American West, the American Indians were a barrier to be removed or simply invisible, especially if already removed to reservations. These immigrants were from Europe, Africa, Asia and Pacific Islands. Most policy and influence came from Europeans and a dominant English influence. American language, measurement, science, technology were derived from English influences. Most Western States were surveyed with an English system while only Texas and Louisiana retained French or Spanish survey systems. However, the natural environment was often the greatest barrier to settlement in the American West as we have noted with Prescott's thesis.
The Spanish, English, French and Russians were the first foreigners to invade the American West and they came from all directions. Early probes were for quick discovery of fame and wealth. Often navigation and mapping was all that was accomplished. Some took the wealth and left, while others stayed to settle.
The Spanish were the first to expand into 'New Spain' from Mexico to the Southwest (New Mexico) and Lower (Baja) and Alta California as early as 1519. The Spanish initiated the ideas of 'Manifest Destiny' and 'Doctrine of Discovery', since they felt that their god had given them dominion over all living things, including newly discovered infidels. The 'New World' was given by the Spanish Pope Alexander VI to the Crown of Castile in 1493. Spanish conquest and colonization was under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Indies.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
i want the map of india which has the different states?
i want the map of India which has the states only like hyderabad, shrilanka….plz help meee….send me the picture in sweety_princess@
How can i make free calls to indian cities.?
I want any site to make free calls to indian cities without any cost or any software to make free calls with no and UNLIMITED calls to indian mobile phones.
Give me the name of the site or software name with link to make free PC to MOBILE calls
Friday, September 23, 2011
Is The West Racis?
Is the West but an embodyment of white racism in our time? Recently we have seen the tossing around of terms like “the west” to describe America and other allies. This West is an idealogiy. A world set a apart from all others based on its superiority. This is nothing new, whites have come up with terms for 100′s of years to separate them from the rest of US in the world. On one hand the West is all that is pure, full of justice, and intelligence. All else is fanatical, radical, and backwards. Ironically this is the way whites deemed themselves during slavery, they were purer, more righteous, and more intelligent than those under them. Thus they could subjugate the blacks and indians because they were always in the “right” and could do no wrong. Racism based on ethnicicity has merely transformed into racism based on culture and civilization. The “West” does not even exist, we are one world. For instance Israel would be consider the Western World, yet look on a map. Why is there no non white country apart of this west? The West is a mere state of mind of white superiority, and white power at the expense of others. I have even seen people on television deeming the conflict of the Middle East as a war between the west and “them”. Them so lowly that they do not have a name, but whites are so holy that they can devote an actual term to describe themselves. Thus the West, no one has heard of the east, south, or north because apparently they simply are not worth enough to be called anything at all! Then other times they will describe the conflicts as civilization vs the uncivilized. Pure racism, whites have always felt that they wer emore cilivized than the rest of us, and this is nothing new. Yet they fail to even realize that people in that part of the world are just like everyone else, but because they dont fall into the white view of things they are inferior! Even posters on this site have described people outside of the “west” like they were animals! One man on here said that the Arabs have nothing of their own and they steal everything from Europe. This sounds like white supremacy, that nobody outside of Europe has any brains what so ever and everything revolves around Europe. He went as far as to say that Arabs had nothing. If he feels this way about Arabs what does he think of Africa and the rest of Asia? Pure ignorance, and it is not one man it is all of you. And the sad is that you don’t even realize it.
Map of India and Africa? Please help! I need to know certain things....?
Ok I have a few questons… First,were the Kalahari Desert is (Africa) and what two bodys of water are on the side of India are…..The nI should get what I need from those maps or what ever…. Please help…
Jaipur, the Amazing Capital City of Rajasthan.
Terry Hodgkinson aka “wandering ninja” shows clips of amazing sites in the magnificent capital city of Jaipur. “Wow so much to see and do in this well laid out city. I learned so much being here and the ambience of this city was quite different than any of the other cities we stayed at in Rajasthan” – Terry Background: Jaipur , also popularly known as the Pink City, which once had been the capital of the royalty now is the capital city of Rajasthan. It is the largest city of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Founded on 18 November 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amber. Jaipur is one of the finest planned cities of India, located in the semi-desert lands of Rajasthan. The very structure of Jaipur resembles the taste of the Rajputs and the Royal families. At present, Jaipur is a major business centre with all requisites of a metropolitan city. The city is remarkable among pre-modern Indian cities for the width and regularity of its streets which are laid out into six sectors separated by broad streets 111 ft (34 m) wide. The urban quarters are further divided by networks of gridded streets. Five quarters wrap around the east, south, and west sides of a central palace quarter, with a sixth quarter immediately to the east. The Palace quarter encloses a sprawling palace complex, (Hawa Mahal), formal gardens, and a small lake. Nahargarh Fort, which was the residence of the King Sawai Jai Singh II, crowns the hill in the northwest corner of …
map of dutch east india company routes?
can anyone find a map of the routes of the dutch trading company in the 16-1700s?
what about the british east india company?
History Study Questions. HELP! 10 Points?
Here are some study questions I’m working on. Let’s compare answers.
17.Which statement about the Sedition Act is NOT true?
a. It was designed to silence protests against the government.
b. Federalist judges were biased in enforcing the act.
c. No one was actually imprisoned under its statutes.
d. It was opposed by Democratic-Republican Societies.
18.Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. he enjoyed great electoral success with the common man.
b. the Republicans began to assume many of Hamilton’s domestic policies.
c. the Federalist Party was fragmented and weakened.
d. he had a solid base in agrarian America.
19.Alexander Hamilton's financial plan for addressing the public debt stated that,
a. The federal government should assume the war debt of the state governments.
b. An excise tax was necessary to raise revenue and establish the government's authority to levy internal taxes on its citizens.
c. The creation of a national bank would provide the nation with a stable currency.
d. None of the above.
e. A, B, and C.
20.The Whiskey Rebellion occurred because Alexander Hamilton insisted on the collection of a whiskey tax to assert the supremacy of national laws. 13,000 Federal troops met no opposition and the rebellion was put down without bloodshed. However, it proved that the national government would use military force to compel obedience.
21.Jay's Treaty forced Americans to give up the right to discriminate against British shipping and merchandise and reconfirmed the American commitment to repay its pre-Revolutionary debts owed to the British. In the United States, news of the treaty caused___________
a. celebration among all Americans because they wanted to trade exclusively with England.
b. uproar by both southerners and northerners in the United States.
c. all people named Jay to become upset.
d. women to proclaim John Jay a hero and insist that he be promoted.
22.Although it was known for its scientific discoveries, some of the goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition were to:
a. Spread the Catholic religion among the peoples of the interior.
b. Befriend as many Indian nations as possible.
c. Find the mythical waterway known as the Northwest Passage that allegedly connected. the east and west coasts.
d. All of the above
e. B and C only
23.Thomas Jefferson was interested in securing the Louisiana territory from France because:
a. He liked the name Louisiana and wanted to live there.
b. He did not want Americans to be hemmed in and deprived of their empire of liberty.
c. He had an interest in the sugar business and wanted to create a monopoly by controlling the best land for cultivating sugar.
d. He was concerned that Napoleon would turn it into a sanctuary for Catholics.
24.The Lewis and Clark expedition did not meet all of its goals. However, it can still be considered a successful expedition because
a. It opened up the lands of the West to future generations by providing maps and descriptions of the best hunting and farming areas.
b. It made contact with many Native-American tribes, including some who had never seen a white person before.
c. People now saw Oregon as a possible place to settle.
d. All of these reasons.
25.Alexander Hamilton's economic policy included which of the following?
a. Banks should be created only by the states.
b. He argued against taxes on liquor.
c. He believed the United States should focus on commerce because it would never become a great power if it remained a nation of farmers.
d. He believed a small federal government was best.
26.Alexander Hamilton was killed by vice-president of the United States, Aaron Burr during a duel at Weehawken, New Jersey.
27.In an attempt to create a united Indian movement, the Native-American prophet, Tenkswatawa, told fellow Indians to
a. Assimilate into white culture.
b. Leave their native lands and sail to a new land that would be free of whites.
c. Write a letter to the president demanding that all whites stay east of the Mississippi River.
d. Set aside tribal and clan divisions, return to native rituals, and reject white material culture.
28.The War of 1812 between Britain and the United States, which began as an attempt by "War Hawks" to takeover British Canada and Spanish Florida, ended in a territorial victory for:
a. Britain
b. Native Americans
c. The United States
d. Neither Britain nor The United States, it was a wash.
29.Successes of Jefferson’s first term included all of the following EXCEPT:
a. a reduction in the size of the federal government.
b. getting rid of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
c. purchasing the Louisiana Territory.
d. a successful embargo on foreign trade.
Looking for India Map site (Street level)?
Like we have in Google or Yhaoo maps I am looking web site which has the ability to display maps for India cities in street level (prefered for Pune)
Where can I find a Map of India That has?
That has a
Capital City
At least 3 other cities
All physical features including: major rivers, lakes, mountains, bodies of water(seas, oceans,bays)
Labels all bordering countries
Thank you
Thursday, September 8, 2011
where can i find a map that shows places where petroleum and natural gas are found in india?
pls tel fast i have a skl map to submit!
When Greek colonists set out from mainland Greece, evicted by the Dorians and the Heracleidae (the descendants of Hercules), perhaps, many wound up in Ionia, in Asia Minor. Eventually the Ionian Greeks came under the rule of the Lydians, and particularly King Croesus (560-546 B.C.). In 546, the Persians took over Ionia. Condensing, and oversimplifying, the Ionian Greeks found the Persian rule oppressive and attempted to revolt with the aid of the mainland Greeks. Mainland Greece then came to the attention of the Persians, and war between them ensued.
The Persian Wars lasted from 492 – 449 B.C.
In 490 B.C. (possibly on August or September 12), perhaps 25,000 Persians, under King Darius’ generals, landed on the Greek Plain of Marathon.
The Spartans were unwilling to provide timely help for the Athenians, so Athens’ army, which was about 1/3 the size of the Persian’s, supplemented by 1,000 Plataeans, and led by Callimachus (polemarch) and Miltiades (former tyrant in the Chersonesus [Map section Ja]), fought the Persians. The Greeks won by encircling the Persian forces.
This was a momentous event since it was the first Greek victory in the Persian Wars. Then the Greeks prevented a surprise Persian attack on Athens by a quick march back to the city to warn the inhabitants.
Origin of the Racing Term Marathon:
Supposedly, a messenger (Pheidippides) ran about 25 miles, from Marathon to Athens, to announce the defeat of the Persians. At the end of the march he died of exhaustion.
For more on this urban legend, see Marathon and Pheidippides and the Marathon.
Print Sources on the Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon: Battles of the Ancient World, by Don Nardo
The Greco-Persian Wars, by Peter Green
Online Battle of Marathon Resources:
World Civilizations – Ancient Greece – The Persian Wars
William Smith – A Smaller History of Greece
Battle of Marathon Quiz
Darius of Persia
Darius [Darayavaush] was the third king of Persia, following Cyrus and Cambyses. He ruled from 521-485 B.C. Darius was the son of Hystaspes.
Peter Green says that Persian nobles called Darius “the huckster” because of his skill and interest in commerce. He standardized weights and measures. He controlled sea trade through the Dardanelles and the grain in the two major areas from which Greece might have imported — South Russia and Egypt. Darius “dug a forerunner of the modern Suez Canal, 150 feet wide, and deep enough to carry large merchantmen” and sent a sea captain to “explore the sea-route to India” through the Persian Gulf.
Green also says Darius adapted the Babylonian law code, improved communication in his provinces, and reorganized the satrapies.
help me find a book i read in middle school. i can't remember the title.?
for a few years now, i’ve been thinking about this great book i read years ago. i don’t remember the title, author, or much about the story. i just remember i really liked it and don’t think i finished it. i’ll try to describe the book as best as i can. i remember in either the front or the back of the book is a map. the story begins with the girl going to her grandma’s house for the summer i believe. there’s a mysterious mountain or raised up lake in the little city her grandma lived. i know it says in the book that people don’t go up the mountain because at the top is fog or clouds and nobody knows what’s in it. planes can’t see what’s inside either, and i think it said something about when planes or helicopters go over it, the instruments go funny. anyways, the girl finds a map and a staff? in her grandma’s house and goes up the mountain. then something about her hiding in a tree because she’s being chased by someone and something with the staff hitting the tree and she ends up going back in time. she meets indians? and learns their way. and this part i’m confused by, i don’t know if i got another book mixed up with it but i think in the end, she gets dragged underwater by alien things and talks to these things underwater? i’m not sure about that part. anyways, i don’t think i finished it and it would be great if anyone could help me find it.
it’s a sci fi teens book i’m guessing. whenever she’s hiding in the tree a powerful storm comes along and there’s thunder and lightning and that’s what knocks her out and when she wakes up she’s inside the mountain/valley thing.
Flavors of Indian States.mts
All the particiapnts of “Flavors of Indian States” item doing Mile sure mera tumhara.
How do Mormons Defend Themselves Against these Cold Hard Facts?
alright, it explains in the book of Mormon that nephi, his brother Lamon, and a bunch of other Europeans set sail from Europe to the Americas, way back when. And that Lamon and his followers broke off from Nephi and were cursed with darker skin. Eventually The Lamonites took over all the Americas and came to be known as The Native American Indians. Now with the advances in DNA testing and research, scientist have been able to go back and extract DNA from ancient bones and compare the samples with samples of Europeans, Asians, Africans, ext. Then map out DNA patterns revealing the location of where people came from. DNA Mapping has proven that 99.4% of Blood Samples taken from Native American Indians in America matches not with European DNA, but Asian. If the Indians would have been descendants of Europeans, they would have a much higher DNA Match than .06%. This proves that The Native Americans were not once Europeans who had to travel across the sea for 8 years (as stated in the book of morman). But more realistically, Asians who only had to travel 20 miles across water over the Bering strait. Also The Architecture of Native Indians are reminiscent of Asian Architect. So This information completely destroys the teachings of the book of Mormon. In the book of Mormon it also states that Jesus came to the Americas to Teach to the Europeans who lived there (The travelers who came with Nephi). But if there were no Europeans to preach too, and no one to bury the Plates that Joseph Smith "Found", then how is anything the book of Mormon says reliable to be true?
ok so i mistakenly stated European, its Middle East, Israelite is the correct term instead of European, but at any rate this doesnt change the outcome of the fact that they are descendant from Asians and not Middle East Isrealite. Secondly for all you who say that plagues and stuff killed them, dna is still found in the bones, and thats how they get there samples so it doesnt matter if they were dead
Anyone who doesnt Believe me, should check out this site
Also, it states that when they arrived the land was uninhabited. so Native American Girl, you might want to read up a little more on your own religion.
AND.. thats pathetic guys, reporting and removing answers that are against your belief. your either trying to cover up what is said in those answers or your scared that they are right..
Ramadan Afghans/Pakistanis/Indians what is your view on this?
Demolish the state of Pakistan and restore the land to its historical form (Greater Afghanistan and India)
So Afghanistan annexes Western Pakistan forming historical Greater Afghanistan and India annexes Eastern Pakistan
Approx map of this historical form (note NE Iran not included and eastern areas will be India)
The state of Pakistan serves no purpose as Punjabis are ethnic Indians and Pakistan is far from being a muslim state. Not to mention its a puppet of the US.
SaMeer yes your a nuclear powered state that cant even feed its own inhabitants
Punjabis are ethnic Indians lol why are you ashamed of your ethnicity?
Pakistan is a US puppet and it is asinine to deny that
Pakistanis are Muslim but so are a good proportion of Indians. Pakistan as an entity is far deserving the right to be associated with Islam
*far from deserving…*
LOL fought for independence… perhaps Punjabis are reluctant to join India but Khyber doubtless will be annexed, matter of time…
"Bikaner, founded by Raj Bika" Josie_ty's photos around Bikaner, India (rao bika bikaner photo)
Preview of Josie_ty’s blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Bikaner, India Entry Title: “Bikaner, founded by Raj Bika” Entry: “Fast Facts In the northern part of the state of Rajasthan Population = 530000 Bikaner is a vibrant, dust-swirling desert town with a fabulous fort and a growing tourist trade. It was founded by Rao Bika, a descendent of Jodha, Jodhpur’s founder and was an important staging post on the caravan trade routes. When the British arrived centuries later, the state (at that time, it was a state) of Bikaner exchanged its finest camels for its freedom. Day 1 Sights that we saw: Junagarh Fort Lalgarh Palace” Read and see more at: Photos from this trip: 1. “The entrance to the Bikaner fort” 2. “A balcony for the maharaja” 3. “The ceiling of one of the maharaja’s rooms” 4. “Another courtyard” 5. “Ilnay work of stones and gold on walls” 6. “The gardens of the palace” 7. “One of the Bikaner fort buildings from the inside” 8. “The carvings on the walls” 9. “The open palanquin to carry the maharaja” 10. “Another side of the fort” 11. “times the recommended load” See this TripWow and more at
live moving satellite map of india
i would please like to know is there any way i can see live moving traffic for example cars moving people moving in india? Through satellite map or any other maps u can suggest please maybe like downloading some thing.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Can you check my unit test answers please its really important that there right?
1. Why do many fairy tales and myths contain archetypal narrative patterns?
(1 point)
The stories were all written by the same author.
Patterns made the stories easier to remember and tell.*
Early storytellers were controlled by powerful rulers.
Early storytellers had little imagination.
2. According to the myth of Prometheus, what was required for the origin of fire?
(1 point)
a long, dangerous quest
a transgression against the gods*
a tragic accident
an act of supernatural strength
3. Based on the story of Prometheus, which personal quality was admired in the cultural context of ancient Greece?
(1 point)
4. What does the myth of Pandora explain?
(1 point)
the origin of beauty
the origin of evil*
the origin of gifts
the origin of marriage
5. What is one aspect of ancient Greek culture that is important in the myth of the Great Flood?
(1 point)
an oracle, or message from a Greek goddess*
an athletic competition called the Olympic Games
the grape leaves and goat cheese of the ancient Greek diet
the democratic government of the ancient Greek city states
6. What aspect of human life does the myth of the Great Flood explain in "Prometheus and the First People"?
(1 point)
why floods occur
why rainbows occur
why people are not evil anymore
why people are able to bear suffering*
7. Which best describes "The Orphan Boy and the Elk Dog" as a myth?
(1 point)
A hero with supernatural strength goes on a quest and makes a discovery.
A hero with supernatural strength commits a transgression and is punished.
A lonely boy goes on a quest and makes a discovery.*
A lonely boy commits a transgression and is punished.
8. How do people treat Long Arrow at the beginning of "The Orphan Boy and the Elk Dog"?
(1 point)
They cherish and honor him.
They neglect and reject him.*
They fear and obey him.
They do not know that he exists.
9. Why is chief Good Running an important character in this myth?
(1 point)
He adopts Long Arrow and prepares the boy for his quest.*
He saves Long Arrow from wild horses and teaches him to tame them.
He gives Long Arrow a map and his rainbow-colored belt.
He introduces Long Arrow to the spirit people and reveals their secrets.
10. Which question about the culture of the Blackfeet does "The Orphan Boy and the Elk Dog" answer?
(1 point)
What customs and ceremonies were important to the Blackfeet?
What customs were important to enemies of the Blackfeet?
Why did the Blackfeet first settle in the Great Plains?
Why did the Blackfeet first begin hunting buffalo?*
11. What characteristics does Mari Djata share with many other epic heroes?
(1 point)
He is an orphan who is adopted by a wise man.
He is a younger brother who is cruelly treated by an older brother.
He has a high position in society, but he must overcome a special burden.*
He has a low position in society, but he has a great talent.
12. How does Mari Djata demonstrate his heroic qualities in Sundiata?
(1 point)
He goes on a long quest to prove his courage.
He leads an army into battle to show his loyalty.
He kills a lion to save his community.
He uproots a tree to defend his mother’s honor.*
13. Why was the iron bar that helps Mari Djata walk made years in advance?
(1 point)
It was a popular item in the village.
It was destined that Mari Djata would use it one day.*
It was used as a support beam in the palace.
It was originally made for Mari Djata’s brother.
14. In the culture of Mali, what is a griot?
(1 point)
a soothsayer
a storyteller*
a warrior
a prince
15. Based on the Ramayana, what technique was used in ancient India to overcome bodily discomfort?
(1 point)
herbal medicine
sacrificial offerings
16. Why will Sage Viswamithra accept help only from Rama and no one else?
(1 point)
He does not trust anyone else.
He wants Rama to repay a favor.
Rama has been divinely chosen to be a hero.*
Rama is young and can best tolerate a long journey.
17. How does Rama prove himself to be an epic hero?
(1 point)
by killing an evil monster
by crossing a desert without food or water
by sacrificing his life for his brother*
by becoming the sage’s servant
18. In "Cupid and Psyche," why is Venus angry with Psyche?
(1 point)
Psyche believes that she is more beautiful than Venus.*
Psyche desires to be immortal so that she might marry Cupid.
Psyche has stopped coming to the temple to worship Venus.
Psyche is so beautiful that men have begun to worship her.*
19. In "Ashputtle," what is archetypal about the king’s celebration?
(1 point)
Everyone is invited to it.
It is a just reward for the king.
It takes place in a mysterious palace.
It lasts three days.*
20. What lesson about life can we learn from both "Ashputtle" and "Cupid and Psyche"?
(1 point)
Obey your parents.
Rely only on yourself.*
Everyone needs help at ti
map of india including hindu kush mountains and the northern plains?!?! PLEASE HELP?
i need a map of india including the kindu kush mountains and the northern plains
it doesnt even have to be just one map it can be two
please provide a link or even just tell me where they are
pleaseeeeeeee hellpppp meee its homework!!! due tommorow!
Image taken on 2009-08-08 23:26:02 by adrian, acediscovery.
help me find a book i read in middle school, about 6 years ago.?
for a few years now, i’ve been thinking about this great book i read years ago. i don’t remember the title, author, or much about the story. i just remember i really liked it and don’t think i finished it. i’ll try to describe the book as best as i can. i remember in either the front or the back of the book is a map. the story begins with the girl going to her grandma’s house for the summer i believe. there’s a mysterious mountain or raised up lake in the little city her grandma lived. i know it says in the book that people don’t go up the mountain because at the top is fog or clouds and nobody knows what’s in it. planes can’t see what’s inside either, and i think it said something about when planes or helicopters go over it, the instruments go funny. anyways, the girl finds a map and a staff? in her grandma’s house and goes up the mountain. then something about her hiding in a tree because she’s being chased by someone and something with the staff hitting the tree and she ends up going back in time. she meets indians? and learns their way. and this part i’m confused by, i don’t know if i got another book mixed up with it but i think in the end, she gets dragged underwater by alien things and talks to these things underwater? i’m not sure about that part. anyways, i don’t think i finished it and it would be great if anyone could help me find it.
it’s a sci fi teens book i’m guessing. whenever she’s hiding in the tree a powerful storm comes along and there’s thunder and lightning and that’s what knocks her out and when she wakes up she’s inside the mountain/valley thing.
Albrain saying Indian States
3 years old Albrain saying 28 Indian States….
Map Maker Testimonials - Sudhakar
User testimonial of India Map Maker community mapper, Sudhakar Reddy Gaddam, at the 2011 APAC Google Geo Users Summit in Singapore.
Monday, August 29, 2011
help!!!!plz post or leave website name of pic of the slave trade in west africa. Pics of slave being captured?
Picture of the map of west africa of the origins of the west indians slaves. Pictures of the rulers and chiefs of the africans when they were in africa before being caught.
pic of african rulers selling their own people to white men.
map of states of important empires in africa.
I really need your help on this one guys! This will help me pass history because its my last time doing it and I want to be a teacher of history and if I don’t pass it….well you know what will happen. I really need these pics. Help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
answer this question plz as soon as possible?
Hello i m from india and i m doing my law this year i m finishing my final year of law
i m planning to go abroad and do job
i m thinking about japan and singapore
but i cant decide singapore is good in streets and eletricity but japan is not good as i see in google maps
eletricty in japan all cables are from up
japan looks some dirty but why does japan does not have under ground eletricty
etc but i really like japan technology
what to suggest :0 where to go for future life great and enjoy in this cities but i want neat climate top pubs a great technology good transpotation and all facilities
with low cost of living
6. The people of Québec are very proud of their French heritage. (2 points)
7. The early settlers in Québec had to deal a lot with the indians. (2 points)
8. The Chteau de Versailles is the large castle in the city of Québec. (2 points)
9. Which of the following is not true about Louis Joliet? (2 points)
He was born in Québec.
He went to France to study map making.
He lived to publish several volumes about his explorations.
He explored all along the Mississippi River.
Fill in the Blank
"Outside the bubble" Bhujette's photos around Delhi, India (national capital territory of delhi)
Preview of Bhujette’s blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Delhi, India Entry Title: “Outside the bubble” Entry: “Phew…what a whirlwind trip these past 3 weeks have been! But so incredible nonetheless. Re-centering but off-putting all at the same time. I have to admit, spending two weeks in veritable luxury (especially compared to my lifestyle for the past 2 months) has been fabulous. Swimming, lounging by the pool, air conditioned personal transport, hot running water, not having to cook, clean or do laundry…truly felt like the life of royalty. Vacation with the parents was a nice dose of home and also afforded me the opportunity to travel beyond my bubble here in Bhuj; getting to see some of the miraculous other parts of Northern India. Our journey began on the overnight train to Ahmedabad- complete with mouse visits and station platform chaos- where we then drove to Udaipur. Quite the culture shock for me upon arrival at the hotel: marble floors, chandeliers, people waiting on you hand and foot, television! I just wanted to take it all in. It’s amazing how content I was with my simple living, as I had grown so accustomed to it while somewhat distancing myself from the western (read: lavish) lifestyle. I guess it’s only when one steps outside of their environment- getting a taste of ‘the other side’- that one is able to fully see what is …
How can I access the Thirteenth Census of the United States: 1910-Indian Population?
I am looking for the 1910 US Census displaying the Indian Population in Ormsby County, Nevada.
1. The Manchu imposed their own culture on the Chinese after the establishment of the Qing dynasty in 1644 by making
A. all Chinese dress in the Manchu fashion.
B. the Chinese shave their hair.
C. Manchu culture predominant throughout China.
D. their language the official language of China.
2. The vast majority of slaves shipped from Western Africa went to
A. Spanish America.
B. China.
C. British North America.
D. India.
3. One critical factor in the rapid success of the Spanish in conquering the Aztecs and the Inca that has been overlooked is the role of
A. superior Spanish technology.
B. disease.
C. native resentment against the Aztec and the Inca.
D. native belief in the idea that the Spaniards were gods.
4. Probably the most lasting contribution of Napoleon’s rule was
A. his legal code.
B. his understanding of the role of the military.
C. redrawing the map of Europe.
D. abolishing the aristocracy and subordinating the church to the state.
5. The Treaty of Westphalia of 1648
A. ended the wars of religion through a policy of tolerance.
B. ended civil wars throughout Europe.
C. came close to establishing the power of the Roman Church in England.
D. gave rulers the right to impose their religion upon their subjects.
6. The state that Europeans came to eye like greedy creditors around a rich man’s deathbed was the _______ Empire.
A. Persian
B. Russian
C. Ottoman
D. Austrian
7. Which social class suffered most during the early Tokugawa period?
A. Daimyo
B. Samurai
C. Peasants
D. Merchants
8. Religious reform in Mongolia under Altan Khan was guided by
A. Muslim scholars.
B. Tibetan Buddhists.
C. Jesuits.
D. Hindu priests.
9. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the major reason for the high death rate among Native Americans from disease was
A. lack of immunities.
B. overwork.
C. warfare.
D. malnutrition.
10. The most important factor in the British conquest of India during the eighteenth century was the
A. superiority of British machine guns.
B. addiction of millions of Indians to opium.
C. willingness of the British government to pay for an invasion.
D. political disunity in India.
11. On gaining independence from Portugal in 1822, Brazil became a
A. federal state.
B. republic.
C. democracy.
D. monarchy.
12. At the end of the eighteenth century, _______ had the largest economy in the world.
A. China
B. Spain
C. India
D. Britain
13. What practice was key to the success of the Mughals in ruling over India?
A. An emphasis on peaceful relations between states
B. High taxation and public spending
C. Low taxation and a reliance on self-initiative
D. Moderate taxes and public spending
14. Ignatius Loyola was a
A. wandering ascetic who founded the Franciscans.
B. soldier who founded the Jesuits.
C. disillusioned monk who founded the Dominican Order.
D. priest who became a leader of the Inquisition in Spain.
15. Although Chinese emperors were theoretically unlimited in their authority, during the reign of the emperor Zhengde his administration
A. joined a violent rebellion against him.
B. insisted that he go on a military campaign.
C. deposed him.
D. went on strike.
16. What Old World product became widely popular in Eurasia only once it was cultivated in the New World?
A. Cacao
B. Sugar
C. Tobacco
D. Potatoes
17. One of the main reasons that the British developed a massive trade in opium with China was
A. to correct a long-term trade deficit.
B. to force the Chinese to open diplomatic and trade negotiations.
C. to create millions of addicts and weaken the country.
D. because opium couldn’t be sold in Europe.
18. The major contribution of the French philosopher Rene Descartes was in the realm of
A. astronomy.
B. chemistry.
C. epistemology.
D. physics.
19. In most cases, the first Muslims to spread Islam into new areas of Africa were
A. monks.
B. merchants.
C. warriors.
D. missionaries.
20. The French philosopher Voltaire was attracted to Confucianism because he
A. regarded it as substitute for organized religion.
B. found it full of material he could ridicule in his satirical writings.
C. believed it promoted universal access to education.
D. felt that it pointed to an alternative to absolute monarchy.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy?
This is what’s actually in the Recovery Bill.
$24 million for construction and repairs to US Department of Agriculture facilities
$22.5 million for the USDA Inspector General for oversight on the stimulus bill
$176 million for deferred maintenance on US Agricultural Research Service facilities
$50 million to modernize and maintain the IT system of the Farm Service Agency
$290 million for “Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations”
$50 million for “Wastershed Rehabiliation Program”
$1 billion for rural housing direct loans
$10.4 billion for rural housing guaranteed loans
$2.5 billion for rural distance learning, telemedicine and broadband
$100 million in grants for National School Lunch Program equipment assistance
$150 million in agricultural commodity assistance
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
$4.7 billion for “Broadband Technology Opportunities Program” which includes $350 million for the
development of a “broadband inventory map”
$650 million for Digital TV converter box program
$220 million for Scientific research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
$360 million for Construction of scientific research facilities
$230 million in extra budget money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
$600 million for NOAA “Procurement, Acquisition and Construction”
$225 million in grants for programs to combat violence against women
$2 billion in state and local law enforcement assistance grants
$225 million in grants to improve the criminal justice system
$225 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian Tribes
$100 million for the “office for Victims of Crime”
$125 million in law enforcement assistance for rural areas
$50 million in state and local grants to combat internet crime against kids
$1 billion for the COPS program
$400 million in operations budget money for NASA
$150 million for “Aeronautics” at NASA
$400 million for “Exploration” at NASA
$2.5 billion for research at the National Science Foundation
$100 million for NSF “Education and Human Resources”
$400 million for NSF “Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction”
$1.4 billion in Army “Operation and Maintenance”
$657 million in Navy “Operation and Maintenance”
$113 million in Marine Corps “Operation and Maintenance”
$1.09 billion for Air Force “Operation and Maintenance”
$98 million for Army Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$55 million for Navy Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$39 million in Marine Corps Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$13 million for Air Force Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$266 million for Army National Guard “Operation and Maintenance”
$25 million for Air National Guard “Operation and Maintenance”
$75 million each for Army, Navy, Air Force “Research, Development, Test and Evaluation”
$400 million for “Defense Health Program”
$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction
$375 million for Army Corps projects on the Mississippi and tributaries
$2.07 billion for Army Corps of Engineers “Operation and Maintenance”
$100 million for “Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program”
$1 billion for Interior Department “Water and Related Resources”
$50 million for Central Utah Project Completion Act
$50 million for California Bay-Delta Restoration Act
$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas
$16.8 billion for Energy Department, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”
$5 billion of that goes for “Weatherization Assistance”
$4.5 billion to improve the nation’s electricity grid
$3.4 billion for “Fossil Energy Research and Development”
$483 million for “Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup”
$390 million for “Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund”
$1.6 billion for “Science”
$6 billion “Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program”
$5.12 billion for “Defense Environmental Cleanup”
$7 million for oversight of “Making Work Pay” tax credits and payments in this bill
$80 million to implement health insurance tax credit plan
$5.5 billion for the “Federal Buildings Fund”
$300 million to buy energy efficient vehicles for the federal government
$200 million to consolidate the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters
$100 million for hi tech border security technology along the Mexican border
$420 million for construction of US Customs land border ports of entry
$20 million for tactical communications equipment for immigration enforcement
$1 billion for Aviation Security (explosive detection equipment)
$98 million for improvements to Coast Guard shore facilities
$142 million for “Alteration of Bridges”
$150 million in FEMA Public Transportation Security Assistance grants
$150 million for Port Security Grants
$210 million in grants to upgrade non-Federal fire stations
$125 million for Bureau of Land Management activities
$180 million for Bureau of Land Management construction
$15 million for Wildland Fire
Romare, obviously not all economist think it will stimulate the economy. Take a look at where 200 economists sign a full-page ad saying that government spending is not the way to improve the economy.