Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Mughal Empire brought basic change to India in all the following areas EXCEPT a. language map. b. ar?

The Mughal Empire brought basic change to India in all the following areas EXCEPT

a. language map.

b. artistic styles.

c. social structure.

d. religious balance.

Can someone Please give me a map of India including these thing read details ....?

please i really need this for a project im doing on India and I need a map of India including types of vegetation , Types of wildlife, Road and railway networks and Air and seaports available,and tourism service available PLEASE HELP

Which areas are more suitable to buy or rent a property in key Indian cities

why do Indian States fail to spend their allocated funds received from Centre?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Madurai, India - Google Map Maker widescreen timelapse video

Another timelapse video of the city Madura by mapped in Google Map Maker. (This time is in hi-res and widescreen mode.)

Can you answer honestIy? Why are you proud of the US?

The USA (not America which is the entire continent), I’m afraid to say is the most messed up country on earth. Born from english colonists who could not make it in England, they fled or were pushed by the London courts to go there where they wreaked havoc on the indians, raped the land, killed all the Buffalo, betrayed their mother country and rewrote history to make them look like heroes who were oppressed when they were living better than most englishman in England. Cried out for help from the British army to defeat the French in the French and indian war and when it was over, refused to pay any contribution to it, started a civil war, started calling themselves americans instead of Englishman as they had before, sided with their former enemy, made jefferson (a man who agreed and praised the terror in the French revolution) their president, stated they were against any kind of empire then invaded Mexico, Texas, California and the Philippines (against the wishes of the people) had a civil war where the confederates were fighting for the same principles as the so called patriots were in the war of independence and then called THEM rebels, have never won a war anywhere without the help of the British (and yet they hate the British) have on three occasions in their short history been defeated by small countries you can’t even find on the map, allowed a bunch of Muslim fanatics to blow up two of building with their own planes, killed more of their own presidents than any other democracy in the world and they are only 230 Years old. As the US before that they were British America. A land where everybody has their roots somewhere else, African american, italian american, polish american, russian american who all carry guns, hate each other, live in their own hoods and shoot you if you encroach on their manor.
The south hates the north even to this day, they teach their kids false history in schools and hollywood films big up the US contribution to the 2nd world war even though they British invented every technology that won that war from radar, cavity magnetron to the first Computer and with its empire fielded more troops (and that doesn’t even include the Russians)
Today they stomp all over the world waving there ridiculous made up flag (a corruption of the old new england flag where there are now stars instead of a union jack) pretending that they have been all powerful for ever and always been around when only 100 years ago the were considered a third rate ex British colony like new zealand.
In addition the so called (and not many americans know this because its suppressed in their history books) American Dream came from the land grab and the railway building in the west. ALL of this with very little exception was financed by British investment from London stockbrokers, without that investment the US as you know it today would be just like Canada (where they did it on their own)
Who in heavens name apart from muslims, africans and other third world poor people would want to live their?
GOD BLESS America?? !t needs it!!!!!
I’m British.

New Middle East Map - Iran Turkey India Pakistan Arabia - Brzezinski

New Middle East Map – Iran Turkey India Pakistan Arabia – Brzezinski

Bus lanes and automated bus gates

Bus priority in UK is full of examples of simple and cost-effective measures. This video looks at bus priority measures used at Hammersmith Bridge in London where automatic bus gates are used for added safety. The buses are given priority at the bottle neck when approaching the single lane entry to the bridge very effectively. This film has been compiled with the hope that many Indian cities duplicate these easy methods rather than just focusing on Bogota style BRT which is limited to widest of roads (and there are very few of these in Indian cities).

The Way Here

indian states

Image taken on 2011-05-29 12:07:09 by zaui.